1 inter-record space
межблочный (защитный) интервал (напр. при магнитной записи) -
2 inter-record space
межблочный (защитный) интервал (напр. при магнитной записи)The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > inter-record space
3 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- space of basic elementsto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- Abelian space
- absolutely convergent series space
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design space
- design alternatives space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- N-space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem space
- problem address space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- test space
- tesselated space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trajectory space
- trailing space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working space -
4 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг. бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт. шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- absolutely convergent series spaceto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design alternatives space
- design space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- N-space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem address space
- problem space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- space of attributes
- space of basic elements
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- tesselated space
- test space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trailing space
- trajectory space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working spaceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > space
5 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
6 broker
сущ.1) эк. брокер, посредник, комиссионер, агент, маклер (посредник между продавцами и покупателями в операциях с валютой, ценными бумагами, товарами, недвижимостью, в страховании и при заключении других сделок, за выполнение которых ответственности не несет; может заключать сделку от своего имени, но за счет клиента)ATTRIBUTES: accredited 1) а), associate 2. 2) а), authorized 2. 1) а), commercial 1. 1) а), independent 2. 1) а), institutional 1) а)
See:accredited broker, advertising broker, alphabet broker, annuity broker, associate broker, associated broker, authorized broker, barter broker, bill broker, blind broker, board broker, bond broker, broker of record, bullion broker, charter broker, claim broker, claims broker, clean-rice broker, commercial broker, commission broker, commodities broker, commodity broker, contra broker, credit broker, curb broker, curbstone broker, custom broker, custom house broker, customhouse broker, customs broker, customs house broker, customshouse broker, dealer-to-dealer broker, discount broker, e-broker, electronic broker, excess and surplus broker, excess and surplus lines broker, excess line broker, excess lines broker, exchange broker, export broker, filling broker, floor broker, foreign exchange broker, full-service broker, futures broker, government broker, import broker, independent broker, information broker, inside broker, institutional broker, insurance broker, insurance claims broker, inter-dealer broker, investment broker, job broker, kerb broker, licensed broker, life broker, life settlement broker, list broker, listing broker, Lloyd's broker, loan broker, media broker, merchandise broker, milled-rice broker, money broker, mortgage broker, note broker, note-broker, odd lot broker, odd-lot broker, on-floor broker, outside broker, pawnbroker, pit broker, placing broker, prize broker, produce broker, producing broker, real estate broker, reinsurance broker, retail broker, running broker, securities broker, share broker, ship broker, shipbroker, shipping broker, space broker, stock broker, stock exchange broker, stockbroker, sub-broker, subbroker, surplus line broker, surplus lines broker, time broker, two-dollar broker, value broker, viatical broker, viatical settlement broker, wholesale broker, broker association, broker call loan, broker confirmation, broker loan, broker number, broker symbol, brokers board, broker's board, brokers' board, broker's call loan, broker's charge, broker's commission, broker's confirmation, broker's deck, broker's fee, broker's firm, broker's loan, broker's slip, broker's warehouse, broker of record, broker of record letter, broker out, Insurance Brokers Registration Act, British Insurance and Investment Brokers Association, British Insurance Brokers' Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association, Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association2) пол. = power broker
* * *
брокер, маклер: посредник в операциях с валютой, ценными бумагами, товарами, недвижимостью, в страховании, а также при заключении различных соглашений; посредничает между покупателем и продавцом за определенное вознаграждение; может заключать сделку от своего имени, но за счет клиента; см. registered representative.* * *брокер, маклер. Лицо, получающее комиссию за исполнение заказов клиентов. Это может быть либо биржевой брокер (floor broker), исполняющий заказы (других членов биржи) на торговой площадке биржи, либо брокер, исполняющий заказы розничных клиентов (upstairs broker) . A company or individual that executes futures and options orders on behalf of financial and commercial institutions and/or the general public. Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьпосредник при совершении сделбк по купле-продаже ценных бумаг через фондовую биржу-----в перестраховании независимый посредник, нанимаемый компанией-цедентом для ведения дел по перестрахованию от имени последней-----агент, выступающий в роли посредника между сторонами; способствует заключению торговых сделок; получает плату в виде комиссионных со сделки-----компания или физическое лицо, организующие лизинговую сделку между арендодателем и арендатором за определенное вознаграждение -
7 signal
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl микр. межсоединения•- A signal- acknowledgement signal
- active line duration signal
- actuating signal
- alarm signal
- alarm indication signals
- alias signal
- all-sky signal
- alternation mark inversion signal
- altitude signal
- AMI signal
- amplitude-modulated signal
- analog signal
- analog/mixed signal
- anisochronous digital signal
- antipodal signal
- ATF signal
- audio signal
- aural signal
- autoalarm signal
- automatic track finding signal
- B-signal
- band-limited signal
- bandpass signal
- baseband signal
- beam signal
- bidirectional signal
- binary signal
- bioelectric signal
- bipolar signal
- black signal
- black peak signal
- blanked picture signal
- blanking signal
- blocking signal
- blue signal
- broadband signal
- burst signal
- busy signal
- busy back signal
- busy-flash signal
- B-Y signal
- call signal
- call progress signal
- call-confirmation signal
- call-control signal
- called-number signals
- camera signal
- carrier chrominance signal
- carrier color signal
- carrier detect signal
- carry signal
- carry clear signal
- carry complete signal
- carry initiating signal
- case-shift signal
- CD signal
- challenging signal
- channel identification signal
- chirp signal
- chroma signal
- chrominance signal
- circuit available signal
- clear signal
- clear back signal
- clear forward signal
- clearing signal
- clipped signal
- clock signal
- coded signal
- coherent signal
- color signal
- color-bar signal
- color-burst signal
- color-difference signal
- color identification signal
- color-picture signal
- color-sync signal
- color-television signal
- color video signal
- command destruct signal
- common-mode signal
- comparison signal
- compelled signal
- compensation signal
- complex analytical signal
- component signal
- component color signal
- component video signal
- composite signal
- composite color signal
- composite-one-line signal
- composite picture signal
- composite video signal
- compressed signal
- confusion signal
- contaminating signal
- control signal
- convergence signal
- convolved signals
- course-fine encoded video signal
- dark-spot signal
- data signal
- DC signal
- decoded signal
- dehopped signal
- desired signal
- despread signal
- detectable signal
- deterministic signal
- difference signal
- differential-mode signal
- digital signal
- digital signal of level 0
- digital signal of level 1
- digital signal of level 1C
- digital signal of level 2
- digital signal of level 3
- digital signal of level 4
- direct-sequence signal
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum signal
- discernible signal
- disconnect signal
- disk changed signal
- distinguishable signal
- distress signal
- Doppler-invariant signal
- Doppler-shifted signal
- double-sideband signal
- downstream signal
- driving signal
- duobinary signal
- echo signal
- electric signal
- element difference signal
- emergency signal
- enabling signal
- enciphered signal
- end-of-block signal
- end-of-copy signal
- end-of-data signal
- end-of-impulsing signal
- end-of-message signal
- end-of-pulsing signal
- end-of-selection signal
- engaged signal
- erasure signal
- error signal
- excitatory signal
- facsimile signal
- facsimile framing signal
- facsimile phasing signal
- false signal
- fault signal
- feedback control signal
- field sawtooth signal
- figures-shift signal
- fluctuating signal
- flyback signal
- forward recall signal
- frame-alignment signal
- frame difference signal
- frame sync signal
- framing signal
- free-line signal
- frequency-hopped signal
- frequency-modulated signal
- frequency-shift signal
- full bandwidth signal
- FS signal
- G-signal
- gating signal
- Gaussian signal
- ghost signal
- global signal
- green signal
- guidance signal
- G-Y signal
- hang-up signal
- heterochronous digital signals
- high-frequency signal
- high-level signal
- homing signal
- homochronous digital signals
- horizontal sync signal
- I-signal
- IBG signal
- identification signal
- idle indication signal
- IF signal
- IFF target signal
- impulse signal
- incoming signal
- inhibiting signal
- inhibitory signal
- injected signal
- in-phase signal
- input signal
- insertion test signal
- intelligence signal
- inter-block gap signal
- interfering signal
- interfield test signal
- intermediate frequency signal
- international code signal
- interrogation signal
- interrupt signal
- inversion signal
- isochronous digital signal
- jamming signal
- L-signal
- large signal
- laser signal
- LB signal
- left signal
- left-backward signal
- left-forward signal
- LF signal
- limited signal
- linear FM signal
- line identification signal
- line sawtooth signal
- line sync signal
- locking signal
- logic signal
- loop actuating signal
- loop difference signal
- loop error signal
- loop feedback signal
- loop input signal
- loop return signal
- loop output signal
- low-frequency signal
- low-level signal
- low-level radio-frequency signal
- luminance signal
- M-signal
- mark signal
- marking signal
- masking signal
- mesochronous digital signals
- message signal
- message-bearing signal
- microwave signal
- MIDI signal
- minimum detectable signal
- minimum discernible signal
- mixed signal
- modulating signal
- monochrome signal
- monophonic signal
- multimode signal
- multiplexed signal
- myoelectric signal
- N-signal
- narrow-band signal
- naught signal
- negative-going signal
- neuroelectric signal
- noise signal
- noise-free signal
- noise-like signal
- noisy signal
- nominal detectable signal
- noncompelled signal
- noncomposite signal
- number received signal
- offering signal
- off-hook signal
- omnibearing signal
- on-course signal
- on-hook signal
- optical signal
- outcoming signal
- output signal
- P-signal
- packetized signal
- partial-response signal
- PCM signal
- permanent signal
- phantom signal
- phase-modulated signal
- phase-shift signal
- phase-shift keyed signal
- phasing signal
- photoelectric signal
- pickup signal
- picture signal
- picture-phone signal
- picture-shading signal
- pilot signal
- playback signal
- plesiochronous digital signals
- polar signal
- positive-going signal
- print contrast signal
- probing signal
- program signal
- protected signal
- pseudonoise signal
- pseudorandom signal
- pseudo-ternary signal
- pulsar signal
- pulse-code modulation signal
- pulsed signal
- Q-signal
- quadrature-phase subcarrier signal
- quantized signal
- R-signal
- radio signal
- radio-frequency signal
- radio star signal
- radiotelephone distress signal
- random signal
- RB signal
- read signal
- reading signal
- ready-to-receive signal
- rectified signal
- red signal
- redundant signal
- reference signal
- reorder signal
- request signal
- rering signal
- restoring signal
- retransmitted signal
- returned signal
- RF signal
- RGB signals
- right signal
- right-backward signal
- right-forward signal
- ringing signal
- robust signal
- round-the-world signal
- R-Y signal
- S-signal
- sampled signal
- saturated signal
- saturating signal
- saw-tooth signal
- scrambling signal
- sense signal
- shading compensation signal
- singing signal
- single-mode signal
- single-sideband signal
- small signal
- sound signal
- sounding signal
- space signal
- spacing signal
- speech signal
- spread-spectrum signal
- spurious signal
- square signal
- square-wave signal
- SSB signal
- staircase video signal
- standard composite picture signal
- standard-frequency signal
- standard television signal
- start signal
- start-record signal
- start-stop signal
- status signal
- steady-state signal
- stereo signal
- stereophonic signal
- stereophonic multiplex signal
- stop signal
- stop-record signal
- stuffed signal
- subscriber identification signal
- sum signal
- supersync signal
- supervisory signal
- swept signal
- sync signal
- synchronizing signal
- synchronous transport signal
- synthetic speech signal
- target signal
- television signal
- television relay signal
- television standard signal
- test signal
- test line signal
- test-pattern signal
- threshold signal
- time signal
- time-limited signal
- timing signal
- tracking signal
- trigger signal
- triggering signal
- tristimulus signals
- unstuffed signal
- unvoiced signal
- upstream signal
- vertical insertion test signal
- vertical interval signal
- vertical sync signal
- vestigial sideband signal
- video signal
- visual signal
- voice signal
- voiced signal
- weighted signal
- white signal
- write signal
- Y-signal -
8 sign
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl.; микр. межсоединения•- A sign- acknowledgement sign
- active line duration sign
- actuating sign
- alarm indication signs
- alarm sign
- alias sign
- all-sky sign
- alternation mark inversion sign
- altitude sign
- AMI sign
- amplitude-modulated sign
- analog sign
- analog/mixed sign
- anisochronous digital sign
- antipodal sign
- ATF sign
- audio sign
- aural sign
- autoalarm sign
- automatic track finding sign
- band-limited sign
- bandpass sign
- baseband sign
- beam sign
- bidirectional sign
- binary sign
- bioelectric sign
- bipolar sign
- black peak sign
- black sign
- blanked picture sign
- blanking sign
- blocking sign
- blue sign
- broadband sign
- B-sign
- burst sign
- busy back sign
- busy sign
- busy-flash sign
- B-Y sign
- call progress sign
- call sign
- call-confirmation sign
- call-control sign
- called-number signs
- camera sign
- carrier chrominance sign
- carrier color sign
- carrier detect sign
- carry clear sign
- carry complete sign
- carry initiating sign
- carry sign
- case-shift sign
- CD sign
- challenging sign
- channel identification sign
- chirp sign
- chroma sign
- chrominance sign
- circuit available sign
- clear back sign
- clear forward sign
- clear sign
- clearing sign
- clipped sign
- clock sign
- coded sign
- coherent sign
- color identification sign
- color sign
- color video sign
- color-bar sign
- color-burst sign
- color-difference sign
- color-picture sign
- color-sync sign
- color-television sign
- command destruct sign
- common-mode sign
- comparison sign
- compelled sign
- compensation sign
- complex analytical sign
- component color sign
- component sign
- component video sign
- composite color sign
- composite picture sign
- composite sign
- composite video sign
- composite-one-line sign
- compressed sign
- confusion sign
- contaminating sign
- control sign
- convergence sign
- convolved signs
- course-fine encoded video sign
- dark-spot sign
- data sign
- DC sign
- decoded sign
- dehopped sign
- desired sign
- despread sign
- detectable sign
- deterministic sign
- difference sign
- differential-mode sign
- digital sign of level 0
- digital sign of level 1
- digital sign of level 1C
- digital sign of level 2
- digital sign of level 3
- digital sign of level 4
- digital sign
- direct-sequence sign
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum sign
- discernible sign
- disconnect sign
- disk changed sign
- distinguishable sign
- distress sign
- Doppler-invariant sign
- Doppler-shifted sign
- double-sideband sign
- downstream sign
- driving sign
- duobinary sign
- echo sign
- electric sign
- element difference sign
- emergency sign
- enabling sign
- enciphered sign
- end-of-block sign
- end-of-copy sign
- end-of-data sign
- end-of-impulsing sign
- end-of-message sign
- end-of-pulsing sign
- end-of-selection sign
- engaged sign
- erasure sign
- error sign
- excitatory sign
- facsimile framing sign
- facsimile phasing sign
- facsimile sign
- false sign
- fault sign
- feedback control sign
- field sawtooth sign
- figures-shift sign
- fluctuating sign
- flyback sign
- forward recall sign
- frame difference sign
- frame sync sign
- frame-alignment sign
- framing sign
- free-line sign
- frequency-hopped sign
- frequency-modulated sign
- frequency-shift sign
- FS sign
- full bandwidth sign
- gating sign
- Gaussian sign
- ghost sign
- global sign
- green sign
- G-sign
- guidance sign
- G-Y sign
- hang-up sign
- heterochronous digital signs
- high-frequency sign
- high-level sign
- homing sign
- homochronous digital signs
- horizontal sync sign
- IBG sign
- identification sign
- idle indication sign
- IF sign
- IFF target sign
- impulse sign
- incoming sign
- inhibiting sign
- inhibitory sign
- injected sign
- in-phase sign
- input sign
- insertion test sign
- intelligence sign
- inter-block gap sign
- interfering sign
- interfield test sign
- intermediate frequency sign
- international code sign
- interrogation sign
- interrupt sign
- inversion sign
- I-sign
- isochronous digital sign
- jamming sign
- L sign
- large sign
- laser sign
- LB sign
- left sign
- left-backward sign
- left-forward sign
- LF sign
- limited sign
- line identification sign
- line sawtooth sign
- line sync sign
- linear FM sign
- locking sign
- logic sign
- loop actuating sign
- loop difference sign
- loop error sign
- loop feedback sign
- loop input sign
- loop output sign
- loop return sign
- low-frequency sign
- low-level radio-frequency sign
- low-level sign
- luminance sign
- mark sign
- marking sign
- masking sign
- mesochronous digital signs
- message sign
- message-bearing sign
- microwave sign
- MIDI sign
- minimum detectable sign
- minimum discernible sign
- mixed sign
- modulating sign
- monochrome sign
- monophonic sign
- M-sign
- multimode sign
- multiplexed sign
- myoelectric sign
- N sign
- narrow-band sign
- naught sign
- negative-going sign
- neuroelectric sign
- noise sign
- noise-free sign
- noise-like sign
- noisy sign
- nominal detectable sign
- noncompelled sign
- noncomposite sign
- number received sign
- offering sign
- off-hook sign
- omnibearing sign
- on-course sign
- on-hook sign
- optical sign
- outcoming sign
- output sign
- P sign
- packetized sign
- partial-response sign
- PCM sign
- permanent sign
- phantom sign
- phase-modulated sign
- phase-shift keyed sign
- phase-shift sign
- phasing sign
- photoelectric sign
- pickup sign
- picture sign
- picture-phone sign
- picture-shading sign
- pilot sign
- playback sign
- plesiochronous digital signs
- polar sign
- positive-going sign
- print contrast sign
- probing sign
- program sign
- protected sign
- pseudonoise sign
- pseudorandom sign
- pseudo-ternary sign
- pulsar sign
- pulse-code modulation sign
- pulsed sign
- Q-sign
- quadrature-phase subcarrier sign
- quantized sign
- R sign
- radio sign
- radio star sign
- radio-frequency sign
- radiotelephone distress sign
- random sign
- RB sign
- read sign
- reading sign
- ready-to-receive sign
- rectified sign
- red sign
- redundant sign
- reference sign
- reorder sign
- request sign
- rering sign
- restoring sign
- retransmitted sign
- returned sign
- RF sign
- RGB signs
- right sign
- right-backward sign
- right-forward sign
- ringing sign
- robust sign
- round-the-world sign
- R-Y sign
- sampled sign
- saturated sign
- saturating sign
- saw-tooth sign
- scrambling sign
- sense sign
- shading compensation sign
- singing sign
- single-mode sign
- single-sideband sign
- small sign
- sound sign
- sounding sign
- space sign
- spacing sign
- speech sign
- spread-spectrum sign
- spurious sign
- square sign
- square-wave sign
- SSB sign
- S-sign
- staircase video sign
- standard composite picture sign
- standard television sign
- standard-frequency sign
- start sign
- start-record sign
- start-stop sign
- status sign
- steady-state sign
- stereo sign
- stereophonic multiplex sign
- stereophonic sign
- stop sign
- stop-record sign
- stuffed sign
- subscriber identification sign
- sum sign
- supersync sign
- supervisory sign
- swept sign
- sync sign
- synchronizing sign
- synchronous transport sign
- synthetic speech sign
- target sign
- television relay sign
- television sign
- television standard sign
- test line sign
- test sign
- test-pattern sign
- threshold sign
- time sign
- time-limited sign
- timing sign
- tracking sign
- trigger sign
- triggering sign
- tristimulus signs
- unstuffed sign
- unvoiced sign
- upstream sign
- vertical insertion test sign
- vertical interval sign
- vertical sync sign
- vestigial sideband sign
- video sign
- visual sign
- voice sign
- voiced sign
- weighted sign
- white sign
- write sign
- Y-signThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > sign
9 signal
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl.; микр. межсоединения•- A sign- acknowledgement sign
- active line duration sign
- actuating sign
- alarm indication signs
- alarm sign
- alias sign
- all-sky sign
- alternation mark inversion sign
- altitude sign
- AMI sign
- amplitude-modulated sign
- analog sign
- analog/mixed sign
- anisochronous digital sign
- antipodal sign
- ATF sign
- audio sign
- aural sign
- autoalarm sign
- automatic track finding sign
- band-limited sign
- bandpass sign
- baseband sign
- beam sign
- bidirectional sign
- binary sign
- bioelectric sign
- bipolar sign
- black peak sign
- black sign
- blanked picture sign
- blanking sign
- blocking sign
- blue sign
- broadband sign
- B-sign
- burst sign
- busy back sign
- busy sign
- busy-flash sign
- B-Y sign
- call progress sign
- call sign
- call-confirmation sign
- call-control sign
- called-number signs
- camera sign
- carrier chrominance sign
- carrier color sign
- carrier detect sign
- carry clear sign
- carry complete sign
- carry initiating sign
- carry sign
- case-shift sign
- CD sign
- challenging sign
- channel identification sign
- chirp sign
- chroma sign
- chrominance sign
- circuit available sign
- clear back sign
- clear forward sign
- clear sign
- clearing sign
- clipped sign
- clock sign
- coded sign
- coherent sign
- color identification sign
- color sign
- color video sign
- color-bar sign
- color-burst sign
- color-difference sign
- color-picture sign
- color-sync sign
- color-television sign
- command destruct sign
- common-mode sign
- comparison sign
- compelled sign
- compensation sign
- complex analytical sign
- component color sign
- component sign
- component video sign
- composite color sign
- composite picture sign
- composite sign
- composite video sign
- composite-one-line sign
- compressed sign
- confusion sign
- contaminating sign
- control sign
- convergence sign
- convolved signs
- course-fine encoded video sign
- dark-spot sign
- data sign
- DC sign
- decoded sign
- dehopped sign
- desired sign
- despread sign
- detectable sign
- deterministic sign
- difference sign
- differential-mode sign
- digital sign of level 0
- digital sign of level 1
- digital sign of level 1C
- digital sign of level 2
- digital sign of level 3
- digital sign of level 4
- digital sign
- direct-sequence sign
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum sign
- discernible sign
- disconnect sign
- disk changed sign
- distinguishable sign
- distress sign
- Doppler-invariant sign
- Doppler-shifted sign
- double-sideband sign
- downstream sign
- driving sign
- duobinary sign
- echo sign
- electric sign
- element difference sign
- emergency sign
- enabling sign
- enciphered sign
- end-of-block sign
- end-of-copy sign
- end-of-data sign
- end-of-impulsing sign
- end-of-message sign
- end-of-pulsing sign
- end-of-selection sign
- engaged sign
- erasure sign
- error sign
- excitatory sign
- facsimile framing sign
- facsimile phasing sign
- facsimile sign
- false sign
- fault sign
- feedback control sign
- field sawtooth sign
- figures-shift sign
- fluctuating sign
- flyback sign
- forward recall sign
- frame difference sign
- frame sync sign
- frame-alignment sign
- framing sign
- free-line sign
- frequency-hopped sign
- frequency-modulated sign
- frequency-shift sign
- FS sign
- full bandwidth sign
- gating sign
- Gaussian sign
- ghost sign
- global sign
- green sign
- G-sign
- guidance sign
- G-Y sign
- hang-up sign
- heterochronous digital signs
- high-frequency sign
- high-level sign
- homing sign
- homochronous digital signs
- horizontal sync sign
- IBG sign
- identification sign
- idle indication sign
- IF sign
- IFF target sign
- impulse sign
- incoming sign
- inhibiting sign
- inhibitory sign
- injected sign
- in-phase sign
- input sign
- insertion test sign
- intelligence sign
- inter-block gap sign
- interfering sign
- interfield test sign
- intermediate frequency sign
- international code sign
- interrogation sign
- interrupt sign
- inversion sign
- I-sign
- isochronous digital sign
- jamming sign
- L sign
- large sign
- laser sign
- LB sign
- left sign
- left-backward sign
- left-forward sign
- LF sign
- limited sign
- line identification sign
- line sawtooth sign
- line sync sign
- linear FM sign
- locking sign
- logic sign
- loop actuating sign
- loop difference sign
- loop error sign
- loop feedback sign
- loop input sign
- loop output sign
- loop return sign
- low-frequency sign
- low-level radio-frequency sign
- low-level sign
- luminance sign
- mark sign
- marking sign
- masking sign
- mesochronous digital signs
- message sign
- message-bearing sign
- microwave sign
- MIDI sign
- minimum detectable sign
- minimum discernible sign
- mixed sign
- modulating sign
- monochrome sign
- monophonic sign
- M-sign
- multimode sign
- multiplexed sign
- myoelectric sign
- N sign
- narrow-band sign
- naught sign
- negative-going sign
- neuroelectric sign
- noise sign
- noise-free sign
- noise-like sign
- noisy sign
- nominal detectable sign
- noncompelled sign
- noncomposite sign
- number received sign
- offering sign
- off-hook sign
- omnibearing sign
- on-course sign
- on-hook sign
- optical sign
- outcoming sign
- output sign
- P sign
- packetized sign
- partial-response sign
- PCM sign
- permanent sign
- phantom sign
- phase-modulated sign
- phase-shift keyed sign
- phase-shift sign
- phasing sign
- photoelectric sign
- pickup sign
- picture sign
- picture-phone sign
- picture-shading sign
- pilot sign
- playback sign
- plesiochronous digital signs
- polar sign
- positive-going sign
- print contrast sign
- probing sign
- program sign
- protected sign
- pseudonoise sign
- pseudorandom sign
- pseudo-ternary sign
- pulsar sign
- pulse-code modulation sign
- pulsed sign
- Q-sign
- quadrature-phase subcarrier sign
- quantized sign
- R sign
- radio sign
- radio star sign
- radio-frequency sign
- radiotelephone distress sign
- random sign
- RB sign
- read sign
- reading sign
- ready-to-receive sign
- rectified sign
- red sign
- redundant sign
- reference sign
- reorder sign
- request sign
- rering sign
- restoring sign
- retransmitted sign
- returned sign
- RF sign
- RGB signs
- right sign
- right-backward sign
- right-forward sign
- ringing sign
- robust sign
- round-the-world sign
- R-Y sign
- sampled sign
- saturated sign
- saturating sign
- saw-tooth sign
- scrambling sign
- sense sign
- shading compensation sign
- singing sign
- single-mode sign
- single-sideband sign
- small sign
- sound sign
- sounding sign
- space sign
- spacing sign
- speech sign
- spread-spectrum sign
- spurious sign
- square sign
- square-wave sign
- SSB sign
- S-sign
- staircase video sign
- standard composite picture sign
- standard television sign
- standard-frequency sign
- start sign
- start-record sign
- start-stop sign
- status sign
- steady-state sign
- stereo sign
- stereophonic multiplex sign
- stereophonic sign
- stop sign
- stop-record sign
- stuffed sign
- subscriber identification sign
- sum sign
- supersync sign
- supervisory sign
- swept sign
- sync sign
- synchronizing sign
- synchronous transport sign
- synthetic speech sign
- target sign
- television relay sign
- television sign
- television standard sign
- test line sign
- test sign
- test-pattern sign
- threshold sign
- time sign
- time-limited sign
- timing sign
- tracking sign
- trigger sign
- triggering sign
- tristimulus signs
- unstuffed sign
- unvoiced sign
- upstream sign
- vertical insertion test sign
- vertical interval sign
- vertical sync sign
- vestigial sideband sign
- video sign
- visual sign
- voice sign
- voiced sign
- weighted sign
- white sign
- write sign
- Y-signThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > signal
См. также в других словарях:
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Bill Olner — Infobox MP honorific prefix = name = Bill Olner honorific suffix =MP constituency MP = Nuneaton parliament = majority = 2,280 (5%) predecessor = Lewis Stevens successor = Incumbent term start = 9 April 1992 term end = birth date = Birth date and… … Wikipedia